Archive | Books
Ready for Some Light-hearted Reading?
My first two books in the Hall Sisters Trilogy are on sale until November 15th. This is the first time JACK OF HEARTS has been on sale. For more info, click here.
DECK THE HALLS Sale – Last Day!
I'm off to Dallas for the awards ceremony!
Announcing The 2014 RT Reviewers’ Choice And Career Achievement Awards Winners
Reviewers' Choice Award for best Harlequin Blaze!
It’s Bluebonnet Season
Every year around this time, thanks to the legacy of Lady Bird Johnson, waves of blue, speckled with bright orange and a few spots of yellow, splash across Texas fields. Parents grab a camera and their kids, and head out to the country to take pictures. It's such a popular activity that at times it's hard to get a good photo without someone in the background. There are websites and maps devoted to bluebonnet sightings. Eventually, anybody who writes stories set in Texas is going to incorporate bluebonnets. I did in COUNTERFEIT COWGIRL, which takes place at the imaginary Bluebonnet Ranch.
To celebrate the season, COUNTERFEIT COWGIRL is on sale for all of April at 99¢. Enjoy!
Read Designer Sex for Free!
Free Read for Newsletter Subscribers
After discovering an Indian version of Designer Sex, I decided to let my newsletter subscribers read the original Designer Sex for free. This novella is a good example of my writing style, so if you're not already getting my newsletter, sign up now. You'll get a free read and I'll increase my mailing list, which is something I've been told I must do. Win, win!