Tag Archives | gardening

Last Harvest before Winter

SAMSUNGOur peppers have kept growing longer than I expected, especially since I nearly killed them with a homemade concoction of soapy water and hot pepper juice.  I'd found a recipe calling for cayenne pepper, but I had all these peppers that broke off from a ristra I carried home from Albuquerque earlier this year.  (Ristras--those long, bushy strings of dried peppers--do not travel well.)  So I soaked the peppers in water and mixed that with liquid soap and sprayed all my plants.  Two days later, they dropped all their leaves.  I thought I'd killed my entire garden--except for the bugs.  Miraculously, the plants survived.  The bottom couple of feet of all the pepper and tomato plants have no leaves, but they put out new growth.  They're top heavy, so I've had to support them and in September, they got a second wind and dozens of new blooms appeared.  In the picture are sweet salad peppers, Gypsy peppers, and a red bell pepper.  There are jalapenos, but not in the photo.  They're kept segregated ever since I accidently made a really, really, really hot spaghetti sauce in the summer.

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First harvest!

Photo: First harvest! Not the tomato on the left--the two pea-sized ones on the right. I'm taking the big one out to the garden to show them what they could look like if they  worked out in the tomato gym. First harvest! Not the tomato on the left--the two pea-sized ones on the right. I'm taking the big one out to the garden to show them what they could look like if they worked out in the tomato gym.
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